Tuesday, March 29, 2011

my little pony fairy butt


  1. Describe your overall thoughts on the final piece.

  2. How successful do you feel this piece is and why?

  3. What worked about this project? What didn’t work?

  4. If you were to do this project over again, what changes would you consider making?

  5. What was the most difficult part about completing this piece and why?

  6. What did you learn from this piece?


  1. my overall thought on this piece is that its adorable, and genious.

  2. i feel that it is very successful because its like a real my little pony.

  3. everything worked but the hair kind of looks dumb.

  4. if i had to make a change it would be to make the logo bigger to see.

  5. the most difficult part about completing the piece was to make the pony different colors.

  6. what i learned from this piece was that I LOVE PONIES!!!!!!!!!!!

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